January 30, 2008

With Apologies to the FSL

For a lot of very good reasons, I supported John Edwards for president. Now, I'm throwing my inconsiderable support behind Barack Obama. There's method to my madness: I'll be in WV in two weeks and I think that a little work there could go much farther than a lot of work here. I'm guessing SF and Seattle will surely back Obama; but what about the hillwilliams?

I joined up with the Obama campaign and the thirty-or-so members of his Huntington, WV group. (If you view my profile, which I don't recommend, you'll see I cribbed heavily from the FSL's passionate post. Sorry, dear friend!)

I'm not sure why so many presidential candidates make national speeches from my home town, but they do, so I'm guessing there's a strategy there. Anyhoo, maybe we can help out.

If you want to put your money where your posts are, slide on over to this site and chip in.
A while back, I wrote, "could it be, could it really be?" Maybe it can.