January 23, 2008

Dick Morris speaks...

... about why Hillary may be loosing South Carolina on Purpose.

And while I'd love to dismiss Dick as a crank, a cynic, a Judas and a general bastard he does paint a picture of Hillary as a shrewd political maneuverer, who knows how to play the media like a fiddle.

Still, my fear is that Hillary is basically a complete 'Washington special interest. middle of the road insider, status quo, line-tower' and simultaneously nobody else has the savvy to beat the Republican slime machine when it comes down to the general election.

Which is a pretty depressing thought.

Ah well, I'm sticking an Obama sign in my window anyway. I never voted for Nader, so I figured I'm owed at least one marginally Quixotic vote.


Blogger JAB said...

One of the best reasons to vote for Barack Obama is to get beyond voting our fears - and that fear, not of electing a fool or an incompetent, but of losing an election based on anticipation of other people's racism, has been a common theme I've heard in Clinton or Edwards supporters.

The polls still point to Obama or Edwards as the strongest competitor with the Republicans. The message is that to not only win an election, but win back the country's political culture to a path of democracy, individual freedom and rule of law, we need someone who can convince the American people of their own progessive possibilities.

I don't know for certain whether now is the exact moment, but I do know that to get beyond Bush it has to happen sometime.

To hear the tag-teaming Clintons dismiss and assault Obama over hope (which, it is to be recalled clearly, was their winning theme in 1992), and to hear them consciously distort his "Reagan" comments, is truly disheartening. (As for those, I can recall saying virtually the identical comments in 1986, when I was at my farthest left in some ways, in the Reed College political science department.)

Stay tuned for the next thing: if Barack wins S.C. by double digits, the race should remain very fluid, Dick Morris notwithstanding. Large numbers of voters are undecided, and Hilary's strategy is angering a lot of people, which may take advantage of white discomfort, but may drive many more people Obama's or Edward's way.

January 23, 2008 at 5:57 PM  
Blogger popmonkey said...

an latimes article on the upcoming super duper tsunami sized tuesday has a bunch of ominous comments proving what morris was saying...


1. President and Mrs. Clinton did not deserve the licking they received from black voters in South Carolina and they do not deserve the vicious, mean-spirited, unthinking and distorted pounding they are getting hour after hour, day after day from the Obama campaign. Both President and Mrs. Clinton, it must be remembered, have been in the forefront of the civil rights movement for more than 30 years. They marched, they preached and they took the hits. And they delivered. When they had the power to do so, they exercised it to the huge benefit of blacks and other minorities. The Clintons never wavered. Makes you think, doesn't it?
Submitted by: Inquirer
8:16 PM PST, Jan 27, 2008

January 27, 2008 at 10:35 PM  
Blogger popmonkey said...

i've bookmarked this post and the lazy ass post and am using them to prepare peeps for super duper tuesday

January 27, 2008 at 10:37 PM  

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