July 15, 2008

Why You May Be Seeing More Rebar for Tootsie Rolls

Dr. X (you are ever Dr. X, Dr.X, even as you hide behind the front of your cleverly hidden persona of Dr. X in the cleverly hidden persona of "The Front"), put it rather well the other day, saying that he had no interest in making fun of Mr. Obama; he just wants to get on with the business of fixing the country.

I share the problem, and I'm far from the only one. The New York Times (ever the arbiter of what really is funny, ahem) interviews the late-night industry on the unsatirizability of Barack Obama.

The Times of course infamously dropped the ball on the incredible, national culture -changing moment of Stephen Colbert breaking Bush's balls in public. I'm looking back on this and thinking that this actually might have been the most important single moment in comedy of the new millenium. I'll conjecture that culturally it was right then, with the barely veiled attack on Bush's frat-boy imperialism in Star Wars, that Bush's nose dive really began.

Interesting article - pointing out that the best jokes have not been about him, but about his circle. (My personal favorite was on SNL- the CSPAN tag line as Wil Forte was going on about how great Obama's books were- Breaking: General Petraeus Sucks Up to Barack Obama.)

Don't look for much here. Dr. X is absolutely right. We're sick of shoring up our hearts against cynical, deadly political buffonery with the yuckles.


John McCain's first computer used Windows for beads.

McCain believes in the Bible. After's all he's in it, you know, whacking his brother McAbel.

John McCain? Didn't he invent clothes?


Blogger The Front said...

Obama wants you to be happy. The Republicans think you should only be happy if you deserve to be happy.

Now, watch this, and imagine what would happen if you had three more Scalias on the Supreme Court.

Scary, huh?

July 15, 2008 at 3:19 PM  
Blogger The Front said...

Also, this article about what happens to rich people who take their money out of the country made my day.

July 16, 2008 at 11:07 AM  

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