October 20, 2008

Fearless Leader Addresses the Financial Crisis

Which reminds me of a classic bit of Bullwinkle doggerel, sung to "The Irish Washerwoman".

The Potatos are old
and the meat is a fright
everything is left over
from Saturday Night
We sweep it all up
to put in the Pot
and we tell you it's
real Irish Stew that we got.

And my additional verses...

The headcheese is off
and the meatloaf inspires
to terrify you with it's
antlers and briars.
The cook is a drunk and
parkbench molester
He drowned the whole meal
In chinese Worcestershire.

Lament all you diners
for food you desire.
The remains of the mutton
Fell into the fire.
The orange is green
And the lemon chartreuse
And beware if the menu lists
Char-Broiled Moose


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