April 18, 2010

Can Republicans Condemn the Confederacy?

I'm really wondering if any national Republican leader has the balls to condemn not only slavery but the rebellion of the slave states to the United States; noting, by way of passing,that  stopping this treason was the original Republican big idea.

The Democratic Party is proud of rejecting its appalling Civil War and Reconstruction history- and THAT took far, far too long.  The GOP seems so ashamed of theirs-  the one thing they should be unambiguously proud of - that they rarely if ever mention it. 

Here's a statement I'd love to see: "The Republican Party is justly proud of the heritage of Abraham Lincoln, who defeated the treasonous armies of the Confederacy, and ended the unambiguous evil of slavery." Good luck on that, I think. 


Blogger The Front said...

chirp chirp chirp

April 18, 2010 at 2:00 PM  

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