7-year old guest blogger book endorsement
If you want to read a great book, I suggest Stand by for Mars! - a fascinating book by Carey Rockwell.
Tom, Roger, and Astro - three fantastic boys in a series of trips to outer space! Wowsers! These guys are so cool.
They are:
- Tom, a curly-haired space cadet who can't stop having to solve arguments between Astro and Roger,
- Astro, a big Venusian who can't stop arguing with Roger, and...
- Roger, a snappy kid who keeps starting arguments with Astro, which is a big problem because Astro is three times his size! But Roger is also a very smart cadet and he usually saves the day a lot. Also, he's a super navigator and has some tough problems:

"I was unable to get a sight on Alpha Centauri"
Here is a picture of Roger on the Lady Venus desperately trying to get the navigation right so they can blast out of orbit again. Roger controls the navigation system, as well as targeting enemy ships. Meanwhile, Tom and Astro are doing the same but instead are doing their posts. Tom's post is Control Deck and he is most important, for he controls the whole ship, really. Astro controls the Power Deck. As Captain Strong says, Astro can take anything apart and put it back together again, blindfolded - with his teeth!

A low muted roar pulsed through the ship
(I think the books are really well-written, and very heroic, daring, and brave. Speaking of daring, I dare to write one of those books myself! Plus, I'm going to make a movie when I grow up.)
Here is an excerpt from Stand by For Mars! from our guest blogger:
Single file, wearing the space cloths once more as protection against the sun, they walked along the bank of the canal. When the heat became unbearable, they dipped the squares of space cloths into the water and wrapped themselves in them. When they began to dry out, they would repeat the process. At noon, when the sun dried the fabric nearly as fast as they could wet it, they stopped and slipped over the edge of the bank into the cool water. Covering their heads with the cloths they remained partly submerged until the late afternoon. When the sun had lost some of its power, again they climbed out and continued walking.
Marching late into the night, they made camp beside the canal, finished the last container of food, and, for the first time since leaving the ship, slept during the night. By the time Deimos had risen in the sky, they were sound asleep.

Liar! It is absolutely impossible that he is seven. He was two only a few weeks ago, in my love-smothered brain.
He was younger than that when I saw him the other day.
I'm going to see out this book. It had me at the art.
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