January 29, 2004


I would just like to point out that I have made a rare consumer purchase - a new Dell Laptop, smashing, but the display of characters is a bit rough, (my angles lines a bit too stepladdery) and now, like the demanding whiny little object all fairly expensive objects are (3 times the price of my sailboat, although that was an admittedly good deal), I have to go track down whether I need some kind of video card, or a plug-in, or whatever sort of hard or soft electro B.J. this darn fool brain contraption needs, and I am certain, nay certain, that Windows XP (as in Xtra-Pushy) will offer me some sort of solution that appears, simple, expensive, and misapplied.

Other than that, it appears fine laptop, loyal, clean, middle-toned, bright, efficient, like a mid-range Vegas escort. And as much as I enjoy our blog (did anybody steal "Isengard?"), I reflect that my old Royal Standard never, ever, forced me to think for days about it's complex levers and pulleys. It did it all, without complaint, for the better part of 30 years, and asked only to be dipped in gasoline occassionally, which is with what I shall threaten my delltop, should it stray.

[Congratulations! I believe you'll be wanting to turn on XP's ClearType(TM) for help with the "jaggies." -UttDC]

{AHHH. Yes, much better, kind of like the smooth delciousness of the chicken I'm cooking in the oven as I type the newly smooth words! -PWP}

Man, that was some good chicken!


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