March 25, 2004


42. Going out of our way to insult the French - (who were providing us the best anti-terror intelligence)
43. Withdrawing from the International Criminal Court
44. festering A-Bombs in N. Korea, Iran, Pakistan, Israel, lost bombs in the Former USSR, (Bombs everywhere BUT IRAQ)
45. Proposing New Aids programs funding in Africa - and then funding it by taking the money out of malaria
46. Federal Clear Channel - I mean the FCC "reforms"
47. Fucking up the UN, who might have helped govern Iraq
48. Sucking up the National Guard for year-long commitments
49. Claiming the lack of planning in Iraq allowed "flexibility"
50. Claiming we didn't need extra troops.
51. Standing by claims of a world coalition in Iraq, making up a single small division.
52. Indicting Martha Stewart instead of Ken Lay
53. Starting Up Domestic Political Surveillance


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