March 21, 2004


Like golf, marriage required many skills, he said, "steadiness of purpose and imagination, a persistent will and willingness to change, long shots and delicate strokes, strength and a deft touch," the metaphors were tumbling in all directions now, "good sense and the occasional gamble, steady nerves and a certain wild streak. And ye've got to have it all going' or the whole thing goes kaflooey." He clenched his fist and turned his thumb down. "Any part o' the game can ruin the whole. Ye've got to have all yer parts and all yer skills, yer lovin' heart, yer manhood, and all yer subtleties. Not only are ye naked to yerself and yer partner, but you've got to contend with yer entire self, all yoor many selves. Nowhere have I seen the Hindoo law of Karma work so clearly as in marriage and golf. Character is destiny, my friends, on the links and with yer beloved wife." He took Agatha's hand and they exchanged unspoken thoughts again. "Get me another glass o' whiskey, darlin'," he said, "this clarity is frightenin'."


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