May 09, 2004


Oh, hooray. They are bringing up those bad-seed enlisted men on charges.

An Italian gentlemen told me a story the other night, about something that happened to his grandmother when the Nazi's were occupying northern Italy. She ran a shop, and one day, a Nazi officer came in, selected a bunch of merchandise, and insisted on taking it without paying for it. Later, she went to the occupation authorities to complain. They had her pick the officer out of a lineup. Then they shot him dead, on the spot.

It's a sad, sad day when the Americans need to take a lesson from the Nazis on how to occupy a foreign country. I think the only possible save the US Army could make at this point is to publicly execute the officers who ordered this. You know, I'm against the death penalty, but too many people have died trying to do good to let these sadistic, stupid fuckers piss it away and live.

[No -it's okay. A stern letter of reprimand has been inserted into their personnel files. Aack. They should at the very least be taken in chains publically to the brig, the officers rapidly court-martialled, and the "security consultants" remanded and charged federally.-PWP]

[They made the oldest mistake in the prison administration handbook: letting a camera in. - Dr. X]