June 05, 2004


Has anyone read any Larry Kaniut books? I stumbled across him on Amazon. I'm interested, of course, because of the severe dissonance between the pastoral visions presented by, say, Alaska magazine and death's relentless pursuit of lonely humans in the air, sea, and outback. Kaniut appears to understand, at least, that awful things happen in Alaska, though it looks like he's taking kind of a National Enquirer approach to the presentation.

[I've thumbed throught these. Bathroom hack reading - it's hard for bears munching on people not to be interesting. What you're looking for is Johnny's Girl, as far as I know the only memoir set in the full decrepit glory of Anchorage, written spritely by ADN reporter Kim Rich. It explains among other things the very sad tale of the Sears Mall Vacuum Store (her small time hood father's) we all remember, with white fluff forever sprinkled on a bright red carpet across from the candy store. -Right Honorable First Sea Lord]


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