August 23, 2004

So I walk into my office and this book is sitting on my desk...

I knew right away who had lent it to me unbidden. Having the right co-workers can really make a job.

[After filming Seven Samurai]

Chiaki's house.

He and Kurosawa are drinking; both are rather drunk.

Kurosawa: Hey, Chiaki. You probably got more for appearing the in the picture than I got for directing it. You're too expensive!
Chiaki: (Frowning silence. Then his inner-voice speaks, though no one hears:) It isn't that I'm too expensive; it's that you're too cheap.

At the golf course.

Kurosawa and Chiaki are playing golf. Kurosawa hits the ball. It goes off to one side. Chiaki hits the ball. It goes high and straight--a beautiful shot.

Kurosawa: (Dejected.) Why is it I'm so lousy?
Chiaki: When you are making films you are a demon of strength; when you can't hit the golf ball you are like some little girl. Where is this strength; where does it go?
Kurosawa: It is quite enough if a human being has but one thing where he is strong. (As though to console himself.) If a human being were strong in everything it wouldn't be nice for other people, would it?

-From a word-portrait of Akira Kurosawa by Minoru Chiaki


Blogger Viceroy De Los Osos said...

This is a very usefull parable. For instance, in my own life, I am excellent at folding T-shirts. I can get the folds just right so that the T-shirt logo is straight and level on the front of the folder T-shirt. Individuals come from the entire neighborhood just to have their T-shirts folded with love and devotion. To have unequaled skill at underwear or pants, well that would just be gluttony.

August 23, 2004 at 7:34 PM  

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