October 09, 2004

We Cave: Here's the "Bush is Wired" Conspiracy

After hitting the BBC, Salon, and the NYT, the rumor based on tape that Bush was wearing a wire harness on his back, visible through his suit, is threatening to turn into a story. Of course, the rumor has its not completely unconvincing own blog.

This one might stick. It's not the first incident, just the best documented. It's interesting, mysterious, exactly one half-documented, (the key to any good story) nefarious, involves my suspicion that Bush is a robot, and is a nice alternative reason to the horrible realities that give one ample reason to detest the guy. Mostly, though, it's simple. Is Bush getting fed his answers by radio? No statistics, no geopolitical complexities.

True or not, it FITS the character of the White House perfectly. Unlike the suit. You also can find out interesting things by internet searches, like the incident where apparantly a prompter was feeding Bush answers seconds before accidently picked up by a CNN news mike, or a wireless earpiece manufacturer, or all kinds of weird slips that seem to make sense if you imagine having to listen to how to answer. Try it!

Now that pat on the back Kerry gave Bush makes sense.


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