February 19, 2005

Exchange from Blackadder II

M. and I have been re-viewing all of the episodes of Blackadder (thanks to Dr. X for the gift of them on DVD a few years ago). I felt compelled to write down this exchange between Blackadder (the second) and Captain Redbeard Rum, played by Tom Baker of Doctor Who fame.

The Setup: Blackadder, Percy, and Baldrick have set sail with Captain Rum, who not only doesn't know how to get to the Cape of Good Hope, but doesn't know how to get to France, either.

Blackadder: Look, there's no need to panic, someone in the crew will know how to steer this thing.

Capt. Rum: "The crew," me Lord?

Blackadder: Yes, the crew...

Capt. Rum: What crew?

Blackadder: I was under the impression that it was common maritime practice for a ship to have a "crew."

Capt. Rum: Opinion is divided on the subject.

Blackadder: Really?

Capt. Rum: Yes. All the other captains say it is; I say it isn't.


Blogger JAB said...

Ah, you have a WOMAN's comment, milord.

February 23, 2005 at 11:04 PM  

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