April 06, 2005

Clinton to Run for Icelandic President - Iceland Review's Entry into April Fools

This is a slightly amusing story about Clinton running in Iceland, notable because it is the only piece of Icelandic humor I have ever read. It is the one place, in, I stress, my experience, that the Icelandic politically xenophobic phrase "Ísland fyrir Íslendinga" has been used in a funny or amusing way.

I'm sure there is more. I thought it might be funny, because as we all know Old Norse, which is very close to modern Icelandic, and Old English (I'm talkin' Beowulf, not Chaucer) were mutually intelligible.

It begs the question: who is the Icelandic Yakov Smirnov?

Quite silly, I yclef it.


Blogger JAB said...

Gnarrly, dude. Sorry, I'm sure even you would acknowledge that was inevitable.

I will now google "classic gnarr rountine" and see what happens.

April 7, 2005 at 12:00 PM  

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