May 03, 2005

God Says: Blast 'Em

Nice to see religious nuts taking over our armed services. Given their preference for sex harassment, I guess they're the same religion as Jim Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart.

You know, everyone talks about how cutthroat and political government is, and then people leading one of the most important organizations in our country pull this shit and nothing fucking happens.

Well here's a proposal. Any officer above the rank of captain who brings dishonor to our nation's armed services through inappropriate coercion (religious or sexual, if there's a difference) gets a one-way ticket to latrine duty for-life at Camp Justice on Diego Garcia.

We've got a Republican president, a Republican Congress and a Republican judiciary, all deeply concerned, they say, about morality. Well, here's a chance to prove how much they care.


Blogger JAB said...

On a side note, Jesus is looking forward to the vector-thrust and multi-target management capabilites of the new F-22 Raptor, making it one of the most feared and lethal front-line weapons system America has to offer, thus pleasing the Lord.

May 3, 2005 at 7:21 PM  
Blogger JAB said...

The problem will be solved with the new pilotless close-air support Pentacostal robots.

(You chortle now.)

May 3, 2005 at 7:32 PM  

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