April 29, 2005

That About Covers It

"Parker has an explanation - a relatively convincing one - for the retreat of Galbraith's politics. The story behind it is the Democratic establishment's loss of nerve. Too many party intellectuals and politicians drink cocktails on Martha's Vineyard, in Parker's view, and too few spend time on the shop floor learning what issues are important to those sweeping up or manning an assembly line or tending the convenience-store cash register from midnight to six AM. Thus, the mass base of the Democratic Party has withered, and without a mass base Democratic politicians listen too much to their rich contributors and turn into Eisenhower Republicans - people who are above all interested in balancing the budget."

- J. Bradford DeLong, 'Sisyphus as Social Democrat', Foreign Affairs


Blogger JAB said...

All too true.

But I love my precinct. Last night I interupted the jolly superliberal 7-Eleven guy who was just selling a case of miller to a guy lighting into Bush over medicare.

The hope is on the street. The paradox of sophistication is that it's the cocktail circuit in despair.

April 29, 2005 at 5:59 PM  

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