My Father Disliked Gertrude Stein and the Dislike Became the Notes in the Book Picasso by Gertrude Stein

I was thumbing through my father Burt's 1959 edition of Picasso by Gertrude Stein. It gets off to a bad start in the first sentence. Dad's notes are in red.
"Painting in the Nineteenth Century was only done in France and by Frenchmen, apart from that, painting did not exist, in the Twentieth Century it was done in France by by Spainairds."
"Really the composition of this war, 1914-1918, was not the composition of all previous wars, the composition was not a composition in which there was one man in the centre surrounded by a lot of other men but a composition that had neither a beginning nor an end, a composition of which one corner was as important as another corner, in fact the composition of cubism." -NONSENSE! -A TRIPE!
"...there are so few people who understand and later when every one admires you there are still the same few who understand, just as few as before." THIS EXPLAINS GERTIE: SHE WOULD LIKE TO POSE AS ONE WHO UNDERSTANDS - BUT SHE DOES NOT!
"...but for a painter to be able to paint, the painting must first of all be done, therefore the egotism of the painter is not the egotism of the writer.." SOPHISTRY + STUPIDITY
"To be sure science had discovered many things, she would continue to discover things, but the principle which was the basis of all this was completely understood, the joy of discovery was almost over." WHAT A FATHEAD!
"This gaiety lasted until he left Montmatre in 1912. After that not one of them was ever so gay again. Their gaiety then was a real gaiety. "UNMITIGATED BILGE!
"It is then that it is known as beauty on account of its quality if fecundity, it is the most beautiful beauty, more beautiful than the beauty of serenity. Well. " WELL, HELL!
"...stimulated his feeling for calligraphy which is always there in a Spaniard always since Spaniardshave had for such a long time Saracen art always with them." GOOD ENGLISH, WOT?
" must never be forgotten that the only way Picasso has of speaking, the only way Picasso has of writing is with drawings and paintings." NUTS
"To recapitulate. From 1914 to 1917 cubism changed to rather flat surfaces, it was no longer sculpture, it was writing and Picasso really expressed himself in this way because it was not possible, really not, to really write with sculpture, no, not." NOR TASTE WITH YOUR ELBOW.
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