I'm SO Tired of These Problems!

If if see another blog subtitled' "Random Thoughts" of anyone other than a sex-crazed 20 year-old Gwen Stafani lookalike, Senator Stevens will get an earful!
Don't you hate it when your usually trusty yacht captain has been running stolen RPGS to Somalian gunmen and trading it for arsenic-contaminated Afghan white horse for distribution in L.A middle schools? AND there's a smarmy segment on MSNBC with Katie Couric all self-righteous about it?
When will these robots stop thwarting me?
I hate these old, woody houses that don't levitate like they do in Andora. Give me a break!
That is the final Ferrari I give Dietricht the keys to.
Nothing enrages me more than that the beautiful city of San Francisco is located 27 feet too far away from Pirate Ghost San Francisco.
If that's a Happy Face pancake, I'm effin' Ghengis Khan .
These airplanes are waaaaaaaaaay too tubey.
How many times do I have to fall face flat on the floor before something is done about all these floors?
You know I walk in all professional and with a tie and everything, I make a order, PLEASANTLY, mind you, and they're all "oooh, we don't ship Sarin gas to walk-ins anymore!" Stuck-up Langley killjoys.
Universal Pictures never once shows a good movie on Neptune.
I wish to hell Uma would stop picking broccoli out of her teeth when we're at some fancy celebrity function.
Death. Can you fucking believe it?
I must hit Control-Alt-Delete almost every day and the new working computer never ever seems to arrive.
In spite of my best efforts, people still emit conversation.
Artificial "Black Hole" Generator? Riiiiiiiight. Try "Physicist Hand-job" generator!
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