July 27, 2007

Is There a Word For It?

I know this is already-chewed-food, (already chewed, vomited and stepped in even) but when the Laird described to me Tony Snow's latest contemptuous and contemptible performance, I found myself forming a sentence in my mind that had a familiar shape. (Also, see standard paragraph*.)

Did you ever think Tony Snow would make you miss Ari Fleischer? Like some weird SAT test question, A is to B as C is to ___. I've been making some many of these comparisons lately and they're getting worse.

Alberto Gonzalez to Ed Meese
Gale Norton to James Watt
Dick Cheney to Spiro Agnew (or Saruman)
Karen Hughes to Joan Quigley
Karl Rove to Lee Atwater
The Roberts SCOTUS to the Fuller SCOTUS
Lewis Libby to Michael Deaver
Michael Chertoff to John Poindexter

Oh, it goes on and on. There's a French expression "nostalgie de la boue," nostalgia for the mud, which sounds like it fits but it really means something else. Maybe we should coin a fake German expression to continue our tradition. Nostalgie für alte Schande? Nostalgie für letzte Grausigkeiten?


Blogger JAB said...

Words for this:

1. Wistgristle

2. Deja stew

3. Dystalgia

July 28, 2007 at 12:14 PM  

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