July 28, 2007

The Isengard.Gov Poll of Several Democrats and Leaners

I am sure we're all curious about this. Just open up this post and put an anonymous "X" to the right of the candidate you are currently most in favor of, like so:

Optimus Prime X X

Mike Gravel

Bill Richardson XX

John Edwards XX

Chris Dodd

Hilary Clinton

Barack Obama X

Joe Biden X


Blogger JAB said...


1. Although Optimus Prime is a popular choice, he is unlikely to make it through the first round of primaries.

2. Dear Mike Gravel - if these ex-Alaskans won't support you, pack it in.

3. I suppose the question is whether Hilary is third or fourth on everyone's list. Which makes me suspect that as candidates drop out, they will go to the other Clinton alternatives rather than her.

July 30, 2007 at 12:07 PM  

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