It's on Dr. X! More John McCain Old Jokes Until You Start Posting!

John McCain met my grandmother! On a date, in Paris, as a humiliated Germany signed the Treaty of Versailles.
John McCain recently touted the value of high technology research, such as pneumatic rubber tires, X-Ray treatments for bunions, and electrically-generated messages which can magically fly through the air.
He then asked a question of the crowd: "Where can I insure my steam car?"
John McCain can and should fix this country: by going back in time, training his younger self to get a medical degree, and making him give Bush '41 a vasectomy.
George Bush senior endorsed McCain today - they're old buddies from World War II, when Bush was a young pilot and McCain was the Admiral best known for conquering the Philippines.
He's so old, when God said let there be light, McCain hit the switch. (USED JOKE, $3.99)
John McCain loves black people. He plans to appoint John Henry the Secretary of Labor.
McCain was born on the Isthmus of Panama, where as a young boy he helped Balboa discover the Pacific. *
John McCain does believe in Global Warming, but in keeping with his traditional religious beliefs, he is mostly concerned that we have angered the Fire God, Vulcan.
John McCain grew up in many places - the McCain family followed the mammoth herds, and using simple stone tools, created an American flag from deerskin to ward off rival tribes. Of course then America was called "Poohakaa-maka, " was located on the Ural steppes, and the rival tribes were highly evolved Homo Erectus.
*(Special note: he still can be President?)
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