Norm Dicks: "Treat People Nicely"

Norm Dicks, Democratic Congressman from Washington State favors Border Patrol checkpoints BUT, encourages the border patrol to focus on terrorism and smugglers first and to "Treat People Nicely".
"I hear the tone of the officers is pretty abrupt," Dicks told the newspaper. "Gruffness: that has turned people off. They need to try to treat people nicely, not try to terrify people." -Dicks
Fuck that Noise.
FSL Post Script- Norm Dicks' Campaign can be emailed here.
Maria Cantwell
Patty Murray
Let him have it, man, let him have it.
Mr. Dicks wants Federal law enforcement agents to be especially polite when conducting the house to house searches for terrorists: Weapons are to be pointed politely at peoples heads. Search dogs are to bark politely, only. Try to leave walls and furniture in repairable condition.
Bring out...the comfy chair!
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