June 27, 2009

Ebert amok

An interesting meditation on the impermanence of electronic text, and possibly also the impermanence of Roger Ebert, from Roger Ebert. Kind of trippy.

But things really liven up in the comments section, as Ebert dashes off little responses and ripostes like:
  • If you can live a happy life, you will have made other people happy. Hitler is a man who made his mark.
  • Commenter: One more thing to remember: you are alive now. Ebert: I'll try to keep that in mind.
  • Ebert: Stephen Crane...

    A man said to the universe:
    "Sir I exist!"
    "However," replied the universe,
    "The fact has not created in me
    A sense of obligation."
But Ebert is always Ebert - here is the comment that prompted the post:
Commenter: Solomon, as he is about to relinquish the sum total of his immense and vast wisdom, starts the book of Ecclesiastes: "Meaningless. Everything is meaningless."

Ebert: Solomon should have realized that would have worked better as an ending.


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