My Brief Moment of Madness has Passed
After wasting too much time researching my next votes, I have decided that I will not vote for Tom Campbell.
If I had waited a week or so I could have saved myself some work since Campbell has responded to the passage of the health insurance bill. He thinks states should sue the federal government. Decision made. Now, I gotta see what can be done to re-elect Boxer. Sigh. How much longer do I have to be a single-issue voter?
Now, turning my attention to the gubernatorial race, I begin investigating this guy - warning if you follow the link to his campaign website it autoplays the national anthem.

Didn't we have a revolution to get away from these people?
Maybe we did, maybe we didn't.
But man, just check out those amazing epaulets.
Here he is in happier times.
After reading this, he gets my vote!
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