Danger in Deep Space - Another Daring Adventure with Tom Corbett
Our 7 year-old guest blogger reports:
This is a really good book. I like it - maybe you haven't seen my previous Tom Corbett book post, but that one is also very good. Anyways, the cadets' names are: Tom, a curly-haired cadet and also the smartest and the guy with the biggest brain, Astro, a big overweight Venusian who can't stop screaming at tiny Roger, and Roger, the most annoying guy you've ever seen in the galaxy with his annoying smart mouth talk and his big brain full of stupid ideas.
Here is the cover of the book - what's happening is, Tom is floating around trying to shoot Loring and Mason, who are bad guys, while they are floating around bumping around each other trying to shoot Tom. They did not succeed, for they keep bumping around, and froze each other with their paralo-ray guns.

This next picture (shown below) shows Roger using some of his smart mouth talk while they have dinner (or supper, the same, really doesn't matter). They are on Polaris, their big "space-wagon" as they call it, or should I say...SPACE-SHIP.

The three weary cadets assembled on the control deck
Roger is so tired and weary, and they all inspect their spaceship really hard, which is why Roger says: "You know, by the time we get out of the Academy I don't think there'll be a single inch of this space wagon that I haven't inspected with my nose."
This next picture (shown below) shows Astro, Tom, and Roger slowly pushing their ship into a brand-new space station. They right now are parking, after giving their identification. They have stopped for a little break, and Blastoff - their commander's nickname for now (he's really named Major Connell) - is having a tiny "break" as you should call it. He's really having a big, luxurious rest.

The junior spaceman maneuvered the great rocket ship toward the air lock
The one thing I really hate about this book is that Roger is way too sarcastic. He does crazy stuff without even knowing it, like calling Astro a "big, stupid Venusian". The funny thing about it is...Astro's not really overweight, and he's smart. He's also too noisy. And spacemen shouldn't be too noisy because it can get on people's nerves, and they can crash-land instead of nice-land. It's still ok to laugh, though! I just wonder why Roger won't call Astro "the noisiest guy you ever heard of" instead of all his big smart-mouth insults.
They're still friends, though. They're killing each other with kindness - just joking around.

Tom Corbett is on my reading list!
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