February 08, 2004


We now know there was an axis of evil, if by "evil" you mean nuclear technology transfer. And the membership may have been a bit wrong - Iran was working on the bomb, but Iraq's program was probably inactive, and Libya's was, unexpectedly very active. And the primary dealer was probably Pakistan, not North Korea, though North Korea has admitted to having a nuclear weapons program (and claimed nuclear weapons, though there is plenty of doubt about that).

So there was an axis of evil after all, it's just that the most important player wasn't named. Now Mr. Musharraf has a lot of 'splainin to do. Let's see, Al-Qaeda views your country as the best place to hide, you actively supported the Taliban, and you've engaged in nuclear brinksmanship with India while spreading nuclear technology around the Moslem world. Explain to me again why the world puts up with you.


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