July 07, 2004

Three Huzzahs for Smarty Pants Seattle

It's Official - Seattle is A-Number One Smarty Pantsburg....

....culturally superior..

And we like more sailboats....

...Kerry Outpolls Bush Here 77 to 9 percent, yes NINE, percent (Seattle Times 5/4/04).

We have our nanny-state problems, our bourgeiosy legionnaires, our creme brule anarchists, our DEEPLY INGRAINED PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVENESS (comes the fascist clampdown, our response, mark my words, will be to refuse to respond to any federal orders, and not say anything about it) but does anyone wonder why I'm turning down the community college professorship in the rural Midwest? On the dating scene recently, I'm having trouble with my relative lack of education - I cannot keep up with the required reading.

And finally, I tried, but cannot help, piling this on: Alaska is still number 1.


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