August 24, 2004

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Yes, I'd like to make an appointment to have these here brain toxins drained...


Blogger Viceroy De Los Osos said...

Weeee. Nothing screams "Quality of life" like a brain shunt. Give me diminished intellectual function and all the pudding I can eat any day.

August 24, 2004 at 8:25 PM  
Blogger JAB said...


I say all this talk of a "brain shunt," is the most exceedingly outrageous pack of dissembling medical pretexts. It is I assert nothing but poppycock and tommyrot! As if rudely sticking a shunt in your brain would do anything but poke a hole in your brain! I have found proof that so-called medical "science" is nothing but puffery and deceit intended to drive up the already outrageous costs of health care, such as the outrageous bills I received for my 40 year bout of hair cancer. Well, I must say, that if anyone gets within twenty meters of me with a spurious "brain shunt," he or she will be the recipent of just the sort of arse-kicking I was frequently acquainted with from the Royal Marines.

Major Stanley Tuffle (ret)

August 24, 2004 at 9:03 PM  

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