Area51--Now the Truth Can Be Told

Groom Lake Road
Originally uploaded by eevans24.
Recently, on a whim I went to Las Vegas and while there discovered THE TRUTH about Area51. Here's an excerpt from my memoirs:
I am in a badly maintained American-made rental car, on a maze of rocky, potholed roads with no discernable landmarks. I have no idea whether or not there is a spare tire. I havent seen another soul in 2 hours. It is 100 degrees outside and I have exactly 1/2 of a cup of warm mineral water and a small bag of Planters Mixed nuts. I didn't even have the foresight to bring a friend along that I could kill and eat in an emergency. This would be a very foolish way to die, but I must persevere.
--Check out the rest of the story on The Bagpiping Road
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