October 06, 2004

Thanks for the Tip, Dick

If you missed it on NPR, Dick Cheney's surly suggestion (one of the few men to have truly mastered the surly "Happy Birthday") to go to factcheck.com to prove wrong the Halliburton charge does this.

Even better, if you try to go to the actual Annenberg site, factcheck.org, you get this article.

PS, the ABC debate poll, which had a narrow Cheney "lead," (the opposite of the CBS poll results) turns out to have an interesting bias consistent in some polls, where 38% of the respondents are Republicans, 31 each for Ds and Is. The actual breakdown (by one read 49% leaning Ds, 43% leaning Rs, and 8% non-leaning Is,) is here, courtesy, actually, of the Univ. of Michigan! This probably reflects a few pollsters (this includes CNN/Gallup) idea that Republicans will turn out much more than Ds or Is. This is clearly a judgement call, one that I think is almost exactly wrong, but may be based on 2002 turnouts ( a logical move but one where an obvious and fairly large error is likely). What the polls are missing, and in fact, have to miss, is how the gazillions of newly registered voters will go. There is no way to predict them with solid social science methods, simply because they have no track record. But the Democrats are registering vastly more voters, and the most reasonable conclusion is that people who resigter with the Democrats will strongly favor Kerry. Certainly that's how it's worked in the past.


Don't forget to pray that Zogby's got this read on this one. (He should. I got pegged for this poll!)


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