The Viceroy in PA Concert

Eric Street 3
Originally uploaded by eevans24.
Well, I am no longer a virginally pure piper. Last Saturday I had my first semi-paid gig, recieving a bottle of Scotch for a performance for a friend's British mother in law. This photo is part of my procession down the street to her house. The bullet-proof vest makes me look a little paunchy don't you think? For more info and another pic, check out the story on The Bagpiping Road, Aye!
Dr. X wrote a very nice Huzzah which I Promptly, yet accidently deleted when I screwed up the photo and had to republish. Thanks X for the nice note.
You rock. I hope it was excellent scotch.
Thank your sweetie for the pictures, by the way.
I am outraged by the constant clogging and stopping-up of normal traffic flow by highland pipers! It seems that in these modern days one can barely shoot up the on-ramp before a another piper is caterwauling about and has driven yet another frozen-foods Lorry into the ditch, spreading cauliflower hither and yon and showering snow-peas on unsuspecting lobster diners! Who will free us of this quasi scots-scourge, which ordinary horn blowing is virtually helpless to prevent, I wonder?!
Col. Stanley Tuffle (ret.)
This Tuffle character is obviously some kind of fringe crackpot. Who else would suggest outlawing what has been a long loved tradition among the residents of our fair city. If playing the bagpipes while marching the wrong way up a one way street is outlawed, what comes next? Before long you won't be able to find a bull in a china shop or a humvee running freely through any of our many national parks. Oblivious , inconsiderate displays of this nature are deeply rooted in the heratige of our fair land. For this reason, I say "Play on Lads. Wear sporran and spats with pride while stopping traffic far and wide, piping loud through every sector, but don't forget that rear reflector!" To Col. Tuffle and his ilk...."nuts!".
I am outraged at the wanton dislay of outrage at my comments! How can a man expect to maintain a healthy constant stream of righteous outrage which is his right as conferred by an angry Lord, when this manly outrage is countermanded by so-called "outrage" from his supposedly angry opponents!?? I doubt, Sirs, doubt mind you, the very veracity of their outrage! No one is as outraged as I! I will stake several pounds or perhaps dollars by request at this!
Col. Stanley Tuffle, (ret.)
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