January 18, 2005

Timbo in Limbo in Limbo?

Anyone know what happened to Tim's blog?


Blogger JAB said...

Tim was pretty upset about a horrible coincidence - the last poem he published was a call for the descent of chaos - immediately afterward of course the tsunami hit, wiping out the village where he had planned to build the hostel, and terribly impacting but fortunately not killing his friends there.

He wrote me that he deleted the whole thing, in a certain call for silence. You might try emailing, but at the moment he sounds like he might stop answering email.

January 19, 2005 at 3:00 PM  
Blogger VMM said...

Now that is a connection I had not made: the village being destroyed.

Tim, if you're listening: Chaos isn't taking your phone calls. It operates on strictly on its own schedule...

January 19, 2005 at 10:43 PM  

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