As a Public Service
Here are the front-runners for the Supreme Court nomination:
Provider #2:

Ideology - Authoritarian
Politics - Middle Right
Philosophy - Social Darwinism
Cultural Preference - Secular on the gaming issue
Current Position - Ass't Secretary of State
Quote: "Thralls govern themselves? Ridiculous!"
Claudius Marcus

Ideology - Authoritarian
Politics - Middle Right
Philosophy - Pragmatic Hedonism
Cultural Preference - Entertainment calms the masses
Current Position - American Enterprise Institute
Quote: "Men should fight their own battles. Only the weak will die. "
Gorn Captain

Ideology - Militaristic
Politics - Middle Right
Philosophy - Stoicism, Isolationism, Xenophobia
Cultural Preference - Law and order
Current Position - Executive Vice President, Citicorp
Quote: "You are still half savage...but there is hope..."
Word has it Frist is going with Claudius Marcus and Cheney wants Provider #2, but McCain is holding out for the Gorn Captain. Let us pray our leaders make the right decision.
It's bad when you can't find a Star Trek villian evil enough to qualify as the Bush SC nominee. Oh wait - how about the gaseous being that lived on fear? Or maybe the shapeshifter that sucked salt out of people's faces?
Excellent work, Doctor.
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