First Sea Lord Directs You to Load with Grape and Prepare to Repel Boarders
Burning of the USS Philadelphia at Tripoli by Barbary Coast Pirates

Pirate attacks are on the rise all over the place- tankers, cruise ships, cargo vessels. A contributing factor: too many rich people yachting about gaily, presenting excellent targets. Too many ransoms paid.
(Like all world problems, you have to ask whether it's Bush's fault. At the very least, his tax policies put a lot more big fat showerstall yachts at sea, and the Iraq War is tying up the navy, and has strained our military cooperation with governments around the world. )
Worse, pirate experts are worried about pirates hooking up with terrorists. Note an interesting detail: the pirate mother ship.
It's a good a time as any to recall the Barbary Coast Wars.
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