February 13, 2006

Is Alaska Actually Mystified By Its Bad Image?

Longtime PI political columnist Joel Connelly, from the safe distance of Puget Sound, rakes the Alaska leadership into the compost pile.

Young fund-raisers were held at the MCI Center skybox in Washington, D.C., of convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

It was Young who blocked House action on a bill that would have made the garment industry in the Northern Mariana Islands comply with U.S. labor laws.

Abramoff represented the garment makers.

Were he a more astute man, Murkowski would recognize that a dose of reality lies behind Alaska's image problem.

In 2003, federal spending amounted to more than $12,200 per resident of Alaska.

Doesn't the rest of the country have a right to question waste, and to insist that the money not be used to degrade values that make Alaska such a unique, wonderful and largely unspoiled place?

Damned right it does.


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