"We're not your monkeys." (Nor The Monkees.)

Personally, I'd like to have my own, alternative (alternative to, not alternative rock) Rock and Roll Hall of Infamy. The first and only rule for inducties: if your song is featured in a car commercial (where rock songs go to die), your exhibit is torn out, thrown into the street, and set aflame.
With the concurrence of the other remaining living members of Coolie and the Sex Crimes, I would give the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame the same message. Don't even bother offering to induct our group into your piss-stained hall. We spit on your rock and roll hall, rock and roll vestibule and rock and roll porte-cochere.
I concur. I think I might do more than just spit, but since they are already piss-stained that would be redundant... let me see...
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