Obituarial Yin Yang

1. An accomplished 99 year old Interior Decorator, who left his mark on many buildings in the Bay Area.
2. A downtown tavern owner, who spent his last night mixing martinis for the regulars, notable for his decorating the interior every surface of his bar, with owls, every kind of owl painting, figurine, or other assorted owlery.
It is, what is it?, it is, somehow, perfectly balanced. The tavern owner required his patrons to have conversational skills. I imagine a brief conversation, as the interior decorator sits down for a maritini, in 1963, at C. Bobby's Owl Tree.
"So, what can I get you?"
"A martini straight up, and a 7 and 7 for the wife."
"Sure. So, what line are you in?"
" Interior decorator, designing building interiors, banks, UC Berkeley..."
"Say, Lot of owls you have here."
Awkward silence. Both men look around at all the owls.
"Lot of owls."
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