October 19, 2006

Regarding Tekenika J. Buttons

The Undersecretary forwards one of those rare things that we originally supposed was the high purpose of the Internet :

Charles Darwin online, tens of thousands of pages, field notes to major works, and the gold standard of Science Illustration of the 19th century.

From The Beagle Field Notes, 1833

W of Ponsonby Sound
after (last night) after quiet delightful pull through the channel smooth water surrounded by peaked mountains between 2 & 300 feet high - the upper parts of which are brilliant with snow & lower dark with green wood
found a snug cove: large fire. naked savages around it starlight

[page 30a]

larger fire: chorus of singers: savages perspired
Tekenika J. Buttons
quiet people:
after breakfast a large body came over the hill
they had run so fast that their noses were bleeding. When we started to go J. Buttons place within Ponsonby Sound - 12 canoes accompanied & from the bright sun & hot day the scene resembled the drawing amongst Pacific Isles:

[page 31a]

we out sailed them & fond Jemmy guided us: none of Jemmy's immediate friends were there but doubtless the news widespread:


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