April 14, 2007

In Meiner Heimat

Dr. X posts this from Ernesto's Strudle Bistro in King of Prussia, PA:

"Memo to certain elements of the German Army: wise up. Since your last ass-kicking at the hands of an Anglo-Jew-Black-Slavic Army, the inferior races have become even more numerous.

"But you're a little out of date. The South Bronx is in decent shape. The whole Fort Apache thing is kind of 80s.

"And you're overlooking something very important about African Americans. Many of them are combat-hardened soldiers, better-trained, better-equipped, and more disciplined than you are. While you've been living the easy life in post-War Europe, they've been in combat everywhere from Kabul to Baghdad to Danang. You'd better pray to God you never get into a straight-up fight with these guys, because they will kick your ass all the way back to mankini beach.

"Carry on."


Blogger VMM said...

What's next? Hitler Day?

April 16, 2007 at 4:28 PM  

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