Gary Gygax...
...fails saving throw against Death.
Nerd jokes aside, dungeons and dragons will always hold a special place in my adolescent memories. And dare I say it, some of my adult memories too.
And while D & D has long since been supplanted as favorite pastime of socially maladjusted males, and has even spawned certain elements of increasingly mainstream culture, it still remains the archetype.
So a moment of silence please.

Stopped at QuickStop for Pepsi and cheetos....Got to Spenard Hobby Shop just before closing.....Purchased one set of Advanced D&D manuals in a blank, white box. The manuals were printed on plain print paper with staples for a binding....Went to Dr. X's house to study the game. Listened to Dark Side of the Moon for the first time. Played my first game of D&D. Got killed by some Black Pudding. Life was different and GREAT! D&D enbiggened my fantasy world. Thanks Gary!
I am very.... (shake, shake, shake) saddened by this news.
In all seriousness, this was a game that opened the imagination, rather than shut it down, and that is good accomplishment that I fear is being lost in some of its permutations.
What was in his pockets?
(Stolen from Fark thread.)
All geeks will observe 1d4 + 1 moments of silence.
(Stolen from Reg thread.)
he was a seriously NG character
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