Keep it up, it's working!
The latest brilliant Republican tactic: disrupt healthcare town meetings. Here's The Playbook. Dancing this jig for the drug companies is really scary to watch - the Republicans are caught in an incredible vortex of freak show suck. But don't worry, it's working!

Details here.
Act crazier guys, it's bound to work eventually!

I'm planning to attend Pete Stark's town meeting in Alameda, the only one that is now scheduled to take place anywhere near where I will be.
On the off chance that pinheads try to disrupt it, what are your recommendations for counteracting them? My best idea so far is to take a bunch of flowers and hand them out to the loudest mouths. Lilies, maybe?
Even better, bring a thermos and hand them a cup of tea and a cookie. They'll have to shut up to drink it.
Also, I'm thinking about passing around copies of V's radiation oncology bill: $30,000.
Thanks to the GOP and the past and present cowards among the Democratic Party, I will never forget an evening spent trying to get basic medical information for a friend end who's just been hit by a car and knocked off her bike into the street. It was only through a heroic, all but illegal medical advice phone service that we got any information at all- and this in the middle of Seattle surrounded by medical offices. Even the E.R. at the enormous UW Medical Center, three blocks away from the accident, wouldn't agree to see her. All the result of the immoral, repugnant, soul-sucking scramble for the Almighty Dollar.
My contempt for the medical insurance industry, and a large number of profit-driven doctors- is unlimited.
By the way, welcome everyone, to the American healthcare Neutral Zone. People under 40 generally have manageable expenses. People over 65 get decent government-funded health insurance.
We're in the donut hole, where cancer rates explode, employers start looking to trim expensive skilled labor, and even manageable health problems threaten to bankrupt the uninsured or under-insured.
A 2005 study found that about 1/2 of American bankruptcies are due to health care issues.
So, at least until we get healthcare reform, be nice to your boss.
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