Putting things right
With the news that the Duke of Kent is selling off family heirlooms to make rent and Prince Charles preoccupied with matters Islamic (if not a secret convert), is it so wrong to wonder if we could do better? Could England have a royal family that is a little more dignified, a little better-suited to the needs of its constituents? It's not like this just started - there's something about the House of Windsor that makes people act like fools.
Well, what are we going to do, it's not as if there's another royal family around that could replace them, right?
It is well-understood that the Glorious Revolution was a legal travesty, and even the most superficial reading of the Bill of Rights of 1689 reveals the flimsiness of the claims against James II. In point of fact, that Parliament - illegitimately convened in the first place - never deposed him. Instead it advanced the specious claim that a man hounded from his throne by foreign armies and raging mobs had "abdicated."
Well, maybe it's time to un-abdicate him.
The current head of the House of Stuart is Franz, Duke of Bavaria. (Just in passing, when he was 11 he did time in the concentration camps before being rescued by the U.S. Army.) Now he's 76, and the succession is a little complicated - he has no children, so upon his passing, his brother Prince Max is next in line. But Prince Max is 72 - hardly an age of good, kingly vigor - we really need to look to the next generation. Next in line is Prince Max's daughter, Sophie, Hereditary Princess of Liechtenstein. She is a good, Christian woman, and she has four children, including an eldest male heir, Prince Joseph Wenzel...who was born in England.
Is it really so mad? England could have a royal family...the legitimate heirs to the throne...that has good, decent, family values and none of that nasty tabloid stuff.
Think about it England. For the next generation would you rather have this or this? Perhaps it's time to right an old wrong. Look into it. You'll be glad you did.

Well, the Royal Stuart Society does oppose Republicanism, so I think we may have some common ground, there...
I'm sorry, I forgot to mention that the Glorious Revolution hit the British Monarchy with all the force of a helicopter crash. I regret the omission.
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