June 12, 2011

Gossip from the Palin Emails

Cheap hathotic thrills. A furious attack of insomnia send me through some of the Liar's emails. It was a pretty good yawn fest until I stumbled upon some familiar names.

From the New York Times:
In April 2008, Governor Palin's staff was working to stamp out rumors that Bristol Palin was pregnant. Governor Palin wrote to her spokesman, Sharon Leighow, that she believed the rumors were being spread by Portia Babcock, a staffer of state Senator Lyda Green, a Palin critic. “A former leg staffer heard the discussion at a rest. in Wasilla,” Governor Palin wrote on April 6, “evidently sitting near Lyda’s people…. She passed it on again today to folks at my sister’s church … it’s pretty pathetic.” “Bristol does want it squashed - we just don’t know how to do so without making it a bigger issue.” Later that day, she sent another e-mail to her assistant Ivy Frye. “Flippin’ unbelievable. Wouldn't you think they'd be afraid of being proved wrong when they rumor around the building like that?” More than two weeks later, the rumor persisted – and had gotten worse. Now, some were speculating that Governor Palin’s son Trig actually was Bristol’s baby, that the governor had fabricated her own pregnancy as a cover-up. “Hate to pick at this one again,” Governor Palin wrote to Ms. Leighow, “but have heard three different times today the rumor again the Bristol is pregnant or had this baby. Even at Trig's doc appt this morning his doc said that's out there (hopefully NOT in their medical community-world, but it's out there). Bristol called again this afternoon asking if there's anything we can do to stop this, as she received two girlfriend-type calls today asking if it were true.” Bristol gave birth to her son on Dec. 28, 2008.

The fun starts on page 14.

I'm afraid this will rekindle the Laird's torpid crush. I might even grow one myself.

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Blogger VMM said...

Oh my...

June 13, 2011 at 6:02 PM  
Blogger VMM said...

I did the math. Palin's email was sent on April 6 2008, and Bristol gave birth at the end of December 2008 (almost a full nine months later). So the rumor was, at that point, only a rumor. Go figure.

June 14, 2011 at 4:42 PM  
Blogger Corresponding Secretary General said...

Or was it? I did the math too.

June 15, 2011 at 5:13 AM  
Blogger VMM said...

But how is it possible for Bristol to give birth on or around April 18 and less than 8.5 months later on December 29?

June 15, 2011 at 2:25 PM  

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