"....and me with my duty undischarged..."
Fools swear they wise, wise men know they foolish
Q: What was the smallest town to win the StanleyCup?
For people of a certain age, Bonanza was a touchstone, a weekly deep dive into the psyche of the American male. It was one of the first TV series broadcast in color, and the intro made the most of this exciting new technology. It was one of the top shows on television throughout the 60s.
When Dan Blocker unexpectedly died prior to the start of the 1972-1973 season, his character of Hoss Cartwright is never seen again. It is never stated outright, but it is strongly implied that Hoss, too, died ... particularly with Ben's comments in the episode "The Initiation," where he says, "I've already buried one son!" (Ben never explicitly states that Hoss was dead.)It seems to me that if you were looking for a marker of how the parents of baby boomers processed grief, as compared with their kids a generation later, that would be a very good one. No "very special" episode. Bunch of WWII vets watching - yeah, let's not get into that, best move on.
Kennedy was not a jelly doughnut, after all.
Failing an "Are You A Libertarian?" test is the only non-fictional way to ace a Voight-Kampff test.
— Jeb Lund (@Mobute) June 28, 2013
Cracked's David Wong explains how the Supreme Court's decision on gay marriage affects you, e.g.,
If You Are a Heterosexual and Do NOT Want to Enter into a Homosexual Marriage:
You will not be required to marry a gay person. This is a common misunderstanding. This decision actually does not affect you in any way.(link)
"If humans invented magic, global GDP could be at least over $9000 trillion!" http://t.co/ed1BvyfXRM
— John Aziz (@azizonomics) June 26, 2013
From A.T. Mahan's The Influence of Sea Power Upon History 1660-1783, 5th edition of 1894:
Again, in 1770, a dispute arose between England and Spain relative to the possession of the Falkland islands. It is not material to state the nature of either claim to what was then but a collection of barren islands, destitute of military as well as of natural advantages. Both England and Spain had had a settlement, on which the national colors were flying; and at the English station a captain in the navy commanded. Before this settlement, called Port Egmont, there suddenly appeared, in June, 1770, a Spanish expedition, fitted out in Buenos Ayres, of five frigates and sixteen hundred soldiers. To such a force the handful of Englishmen could make no serious resistance; so after a few shots, exchanged for the honor of the flag, they capitulated.
The news of this transaction, which reached England in the following October, showed by its reception how much more serious is an insult than an injury, and how much more bitterly resented. The transfer of Corsica had scarcely occasioned a stir outside the offices of statesmen; the attack on Port Egmont roused the people and Parliament. The minister to Madrid was ordered to demand the immediate restoration of the islands, with a disavowal of the action of the officer who had ordered the attack. Without waiting for a reply, ships were ordered into commission, press-gangs swept the streets, and in a short time a powerful fleet was ready at Spithead to revenge the insult. Spain, relying upon the Bourbon family compact and the support of France, was disposed to stand firm; but the old king, Louis XV., was averse to war, and Choiseul, among whose enemies at court was the last mistress, was dismissed [Pompador dug him, though]. With his fall disappeared the hopes of Spain, which at once complied with the demands of England, reserving, however, the question as to the rights of sovereignty.
The statuette’s slow about-turn has been captured on film by a time-lapse camera, and curator Campbell Price, 29, says he believes there may be a spiritual explanation.
Oracle, Microsoft Strike Software Detente http://t.co/nbOQhpFk55
— WSJ Business News (@WSJbusiness) June 25, 2013
Google's head of "people operations" (i.e. HR) admits those famous brainteasers were completely useless for hiring http://t.co/kLROG7mopf
— Adam Pasick (@Adampasick) June 20, 2013
If the founding fathers could see the state of our country today, I think they'd be both upset and mesmerized by auto-flush toilets.
— Shari VanderWerf (@shariv67) June 19, 2013
Kraft explained the incident happened while Sandy Weill and other business execs were in St. Petersburg. “I took out the ring and showed it to [Putin], and he put it on and he goes, ‘I can kill someone with this ring,’ ” Kraft told the crowd at Carnegie Hall’s Medal of Excellence gala at the Waldorf-Astoria.“I put my hand out and he put it in his pocket, and three KGB guys got around him and walked out.”
Zuker continues to torment the great man...
"@dooobieashtray: @realDonaldTrump acts childish fighting with @DannyZuker via internet" Wrong, he started it and I finished it-he's nothing
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 16, 2013
.@realDonaldTrump For Fathers'Day here's some free advice: When told that you're being childish don't respond with "He started it!"
— Danny Zuker (@DannyZuker) June 16, 2013
When People Make Their Own Banks: An ex-con lends money to people in need; a group of friends creates a saving... http://t.co/OoLYxC8JHn
— Adam Davidson (@adamdavidson) June 14, 2013
So as a public service I would like to bring to your attention this chart, which helped clear up some confusion I have long had regarding pencil graphite grading scales:
![]() |
fig. 1: The scales |
In reality however, there is no specific industry standard for the darkness of the mark to be left within the HB or any other hardness grade scale. Thus, a #2 or HB pencil from one brand will not necessarily leave the same mark as a #2 or HB pencil from another brand. Most pencil manufacturers set their own internal standards for graphite hardness grades and overall quality of the core, some differences are regional.Another bombshell follows, but I'll not give away the ending.
Beckman rejected reports that Chen's departure was related to the university's development of a campus in Shanghai, calling the claims "fanciful and false."
To stop being the party of stupid you must stop being stupid theatln.tc/13E5fW5
— The Atlantic (@TheAtlantic) June 13, 2013
"As a pilot it was totally unique, it was the only major airport in the world that required a 45-degree turn below 500 feet to line up with the runway, literally flying between the high-rise buildings passing close to the famous orange and white checkerboard as you made that final turn toward the runway," he says.
What'd you think I was gonna do?#GoSeahawks instagr.am/p/VSOsrdQK9G/
— Macklemore (@macklemore) February 3, 2013
Jim Harbaugh took some time out of his busy schedule to engage in some self-righteous concern trolling vis-a-vis the (insignificant) accusations against Seahawks players (some of which were actually proven).
''Is it a concern? I've definitely noticed it,'' Harbaugh said of the Seahawks. ''You don't know what it is. Even when people say what it is, you don't know that that's what it is. I've heard this thrown out or that, but that's usually the agents or the players themselves saying it's, for example, Adderall. But the NFL doesn't release what it actually is, so you have no idea. You're taking somebody at their word that I don't know if you can take them at their word, understanding the circumstances.''If I were Pete Carroll, my response would be:
Sales of George Orwell’s “1984” jumped 4,903% on Amazon after news of #Prism broke | bloom.bg/14vgKBS
— Bloomberg News (@BloombergNews) June 12, 2013
Not a huge fan of Hollywood trivia - there's so damn much of it. But, do you remember Sister Mary Stigmata in The Blues Brothers? Perhaps this will refresh your memory...
So I watched Singin' in the Rain this weekend with the family, the way it was meant to be seen, in an old theater, projected using a projector on a big screen. And I love that movie, just love it, and we were having a great time. The "Moses Supposes" sequence, with its long continuous takes (from 2:13 to 3:15 and again from 3:15 to 3:45), is as good as I've ever seen two men dance, at least this side of the Nicholas Brothers - just flawless.
R.F.: She's got a five-year contract with me. Get over to that mike.
Don: You heard him, Kathy. Now do it!
Kathy: l'll do it, Don. But l never want to see you again. . .
Israel "Must Respond Swiftly" to Casserole
That of course would be Macklemore & Ryan Lewis and the now world famous NSFW tour of Seattle thrift stores.
This book, which will cost you $0.02 on Amazon at the moment, thanks to a motivated seller or two, solves most usage problems instantly. Copperud compares views on usage from Fowler's and various dictionaries, and often adds additional quotations and citations of his own. The section on "who" vs. "whom" is priceless: it runs two pages of small type, all of it indispensable, including this choice bit:
These sentences illustrate the commonest "misuse" of whom. Yet when the critics of such errors must indict the translators of the Bible, together with Keats and Shakespeare, as having known no better, their preachments take on a hollow ring... The consensus is that either "who" or "whom" is acceptable in these constructions.
If you swear by Strunk and White, don't. Geoff Pullum, one of the authors of the Cambridge Grammar of the English Language, annihilates the bogus rules of English so beloved of grammar persnicketeers, from not ending sentences with prepositions, to not starting sentences with conjunctions, to boldy never splitting infinitives, to insisting on "he or she" as a singular pronoun instead of "they." Presented here as a lecture to UW, in case you were wondering what to do with a Sunday afternoon.
...but in this case I'll make an exception:
A Los Angeles car salesman and electric car advocate is shelling $32,400 out of his retirement savings so he can make a pitch directly to President Obama at a "private, off-the-record" Democratic fundraiser next week.