July 03, 2005

Great UFO Site

As the Laird will attest, I have been known to uncritically read things about UFOs on the Internets. But there is one site that, if you have a shred of interest in this, is both informative and enjoyable. It presents Saucer Smear, a regular newsletter of UFO-ology.

The fellow who runs this has been following the UFO movement since the mid-50's, and it's apparent that somewhere along the line he decided the people were more interesting than the aliens.

He does weigh in from time to time on actual controversies, however. His explanation of Roswell - that the government used it to kick off a massive disinformation campaign to freak out the Russians - makes perfect sense.

And he understands that we're all walking a fine line:

"It is far easier to make things up
than to stick strictly to the Truth.
So it is that *close* is about as near to
Truth any of us ever gets. By some odd alchemy
this usually brings out what really matters."


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