October 20, 2006

Ask an Uptight Seattlelite

New Column in the Seattle Weekly:

Dear Uptight Seattleite,

I just moved to Seattle, and I'm wondering, why do you all drive Subarus?


Dear Curious,

I'm guessing you have some sort of animosity toward Japanese people and their cars. I'm not patting myself on the back here, but I do try to be open-minded about different cultures. If I go to an Asian restaurant, for example, I always use chopsticks. At Shilla, when I am eating my bi bim bop with chopsticks, I sometimes notice that some of my fellow diners are eating their bi bim bop with spoons. I smile at them and their spoons. My smile says, "Hey, great for you! Because you're branching out and trying something new, even if that might be a little uncomfortable for you. You might find that your experience of other cultures might be even more enriching if you try the chopsticks. Just a thought! Enjoy your meal!"


Blogger VMM said...

Oh, I noticed the corner of the Utne Reader poking out of the NPR bag in the characature of the Uptight Seattleite. I totally forgot the Utne Reader ever existed! I haven't read it (or seen it) since I lived in...Seattle, as a matter of fact.

October 21, 2006 at 1:04 PM  

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