March 03, 2007

Then It Got Weird(er)

Dr. X posts this from that place that sells those sandwiches at the airport:

"Newsome's latest screwup is brilliant, and one of the better no-win political situations I have ever seen. Newsome's options are:

"1) Flip-flop and denounce gay porn. This would work great, except, stay with me here, a lot of gay people live in San Francisco. If you'd like to be mayor of San Francisco, then you'd probably like to have some of those gay people support you. So if you denounce gay porn the question becomes 'what part of gay porn are you against? The porn part? Or the gay part?' Or, put another way, 'what are you trying to control, my sexual preference or my choice of entertainment?'

"2) Defend his actions and reiterate his support for gay porn. This would be principled and admirable, but 'Newsome Defends Gay Porn' is not the ideal headline. In any case it's very un-Kennedy-like, and Gavin tries to avoid doing things that are un-Kennedy-like.

"3) Pretend to be confused and uninvolved. Blame the process. Point out that your office does 2,000 of these things a year and you read none of them. This too, raises questions, such as: 'why do you do that?' and 'why did we elect you'?

"I'd be genuinely curious to know what our better-connected friends (especially our mayor friends) think Newsome should do. Not for the good of the party, of course, but for his own career."


Blogger VMM said...

"Flip-flop and denounce gay porn?" Is that what he'd be doing if he'd be doing if he told the Neighborhood Services Office to not make proclamations lauding pornographers? Your assumption that this would somehow offend the gay community betrays a pretty narrow view of, well, the gay community.

March 4, 2007 at 2:48 PM  
Blogger Corresponding Secretary General said...

Oh, hoo-haa. Living in San Francisco is a bit like being the smartest kid in an under-funded West Virginia third-grade classroom. The people who hate you on principle will hate you no matter what, so you might as well roll with it and have a few laughs.

If people like Bill O'Reilly and Lou Sheldon are cheesed off, you're likely doing something right. Tell O'Reilly that you also honored the 'Mr. Falafel' restaurant and ask him about the PC Police. Ask Sheldon if Colt's products might have helped Ted Haggard stay faithful to his wife. Cite some out-of-state gay porn purchase figures. And smile, smile, smile.

March 5, 2007 at 1:21 PM  
Blogger JAB said...

Hoo Haa? Watch you language, young lady!

March 5, 2007 at 7:02 PM  
Blogger JAB said...

Hoo Haa? Watch your language, young lady!

March 5, 2007 at 7:02 PM  

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