We're on the new Blogger...
A trivial matter.
I just had to invite myself to the blog (under a different email), accept the invitation, create a new blogger account, hold off on upgrading the new user to a google account, sacrifice a virgin goat, log out, log on with my google account, give admin permissions to the new user, remove permissions from my google account, log out, log in as the new user, say "yes dammit, upgrade my blog!", do the hokey pokey and you shake it all about, merge the new account with my existing google account and...
I don't understand why people feel the need to call tech support for computer problems. I mean really, what could be simpler?
Oh yeah, you all should have admin rights again.
The only discernable "new" feature:
No more word verification on comments if you're one of the blog owners.
Thank you! I feel like administrating.
I suppose we may now consider the question: how many computer experts does it take to switch to the new blogger?
Oh, so that's what I did wrong. After hokey pokey forgot to shake it all about. Thanks.
I don't recall that the comment timestamps had seconds in them before.
By an amazing coincidence, we all seem to post precisely at the top of the minute.
I think the time format is configurable. I may have messed things up during the transition.
BTW: I the "secret" was it'd only let you update your blog when you updated your account. But you could only update the blog if you were the owner.
Hence the 12-step program I had to do to get the update to happen. Because god forbid anyone would want to defer updating their blog until after they'd updated their account.
I realize this service is free, but you'd think Google could get their [MESSAGE REDACTED BY GOOGLEBLOGFILTER 9000]
the new feature is:
google now knows what mail you get, what porn you search for, and what blogs you read and post to.
The eye of Google is upon you!
Oh yeah, I fixed the date formatting.
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