January 29, 2009

Remote Republican Fairy Lands

Gallup's latest U.S. map, by declared party.

There are precious few places in America where a strong plurality of the people are Republicans.

My crack:

"Abe Lincoln would be proud. "

What is it with these magical fairylands where people choose to be Republicans? Here's my proposed statistical state characteristic checklist for wunderkind Nate Silverman at fivethirtyeight:

1. Rich in Wal Marts? y/n

2. Thick with religious cults? y/n

3. Not especially upset by incest? y/n

4. Percent of AM only radios above 25? y/n

5. Soft on Nazi enclaves? y/n

6. Teaching hair-trigger readiness to shoot intruders to ward off their constant schemes of intruding? y/n

7. Served in the military but never saw war? y/n

8. Scared of girls? y/n

9. Think the word "Scientist" means "God-Hater?" y/n

10. Irritated when dreams of wealth and fame constantly interrupted by drive train falling off of van? y/n


Blogger The Front said...

Don't worry, soon they will explain their core values.

January 29, 2009 at 2:08 PM  
Blogger JAB said...

For that, I literally cannot wait.

January 29, 2009 at 11:41 PM  

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